Get directions quickly from your location to the attractions, restaurants, shops and more near you.Explore the park using the detailed map view.Purchase a Photo+ Pass, you are able to download high-resolution digital contents, print them onto any gift products, or share them with your family and friends instantly!.

Shop your favorite stores, enjoy a meal at one of our restaurants or see a concert or a movie. Register your selfie to receive and preview all your watermarked images or videos taken by the ride-capture or slow-motion cameras, which are available at selected attractions through the mobile app. Visit Studio Park, downtown Grand Rapids' entertainment district.Start a recommended itinerary curated from personal preferences to customize your park experience.Showtimes for 'Celebration Cinema Studio Park' are available on: Please change your search criteria and try again Please check the list below for nearby theaters: Urban Institute for Contemporary (0. Full of Thrills and Screams, You may get wet Height Requirement. Create and edit boarding groups for multiple-ticket holders Today, May 29 There are no showtimes from the theater yet for the selected date.Pre-book preferred time slots for your favorite rides and attractions with VQ reservations right on your device.See wait times for must-see shows, rides and attractions at a glance wherever you are – at home, on the go or in the park.